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Discovering Boundaries to Happiness

Discovering Boundaries to Happiness

Have you ever wondered what's too much, what's too little? What's healthy when it comes to boundaries?

Joy Starts with US!!

Today let's focus on trusting ourselves to build relationships incorporating necessary boundaries.

I invited Charese Josie to speak about boundaries. It was an enlightening discussion!

Boundaries are used in ALL relationships! 

  1. Spotify Podcast I love hearing from you! Respond to this email with your questions, how information provided resonate with you, or topics you would like covered. I look forward to connecting with you! Be Intentionally Hopeful & Authentically You. By: Chautè Thompson, LMHC, CDWF

I am Chautè Henry Thompson, licensed psychotherapist, Relationship and Restoration Expert. I help women who have experienced significant breakups to Rediscover and Redefine themselves, cultivating healthier relationships with self and others. If you are looking for support in healing after divorce or significant breakups you can Subscribe for relatable resources, monthly chats, and support.

If you are interested in taking the first step toward working with me, you can schedule a clarity call. To stay connected with Chautè (YouTube)

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